The title of the abstract should be less than 30 words
The body of the abstract should not exceed 250 words
Abstracts must be submitted in English
Submitting abstract should not been presented anywhere else however a different abstract of same research work with different point of view and or with different data are welcome.
Abstracts for case Reports can also be submitted.
The abstract must have following sections:
Key Words:3-5
Requirements for Award Paper
Paper should be original work done in the authors institution and not published or presented elsewhere.
Work presented should have been done in India.
The contestant should present in the conference personally.
Registration to the conference is mandatory for acceptance of abstract.
The head of the Department / Institution to which a candidate is attached should certify that the work presented is the candidate’s personal contribution or that the candidate did a major part of the work.
Entire manuscript - including the title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, individual tables, and legends - should be prepared. The articles can have up to 4000 words, five tables and three figures.
The chairman, Scientific Committee and a committee of executives of TNS will review the submitted papers. After review and scoring. A decision will be communicated in due course of time regarding the abstract acceptance.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission opens on: 8th December 2024
Abstract submission deadline: 26th January 2025
Guidelines for E - Poster:
The E-poster will be displayed on a LCD TV.
The file format should be PowerPoint (.PPT), CLICK HERE to download the PPT template.
The e-poster should have only 01 slide.
Design Specifications / Suggestions:
Poster should be written only in the English language
Title of the E-Poster (should be brief and match the submitted abstract).